Saturday 7 March 2015

Review on 5 seconds of summer (album)

As a Big lover of the Australian band 5SOS (5 seconds of summer), I had to listen to their album. Although, this isn't their newest album (LiveSOS is the newest), I felt that this is my favourite album at the moment, and I had to do a review on it!!
First of all, the cover is amazing! I love the X going across them, and the colours are really cool.  I love the cartoons in the background. I think it shows that they aren't completely serious, they still like to mess around. And they don't look too bad in it either do they ;).
(don't lie, there has to be one of them that you like the look of)
Now onto the music! They are, as they call it, pop-rock, meaning not heavy metal (almost shouting and there is not really a tune) but pop with more guitar and drums. I love it! But some people don't. Baring in mind, I listen to Paramore, and bands like Blink-182 and Good Charlotte, who are punk-rock (they were around in 2005 or near then).
The music involves a lot of guitar and drums, but it isn't overwhelming. They have the slow meaningful songs (amnesia and beside you), they have the more pop songs (don't stop and she looks so perfect) and they the more rocky songs (social casualty and end up here). If you don't like loud music this album isn't really for you.
Even if you don't like their style of music, I really do recommend giving "beside you" a try. Its about them leaving Australia at the age of 17,18 and 19 and moving to the other side of the world to tour with one direction and do their own shows. It is slow and just beautiful.
My favourite song on the album is "Voodoo Doll". It's quite fast and there is a lot of guitar. It is about a girl that they really don't want to fall in love with, but they cant help it- she is basically controlling them. I LOVE it!!
I would give this album 5/5, because it is the style of music I like, but if you aren't into this style, then I would give it a miss. Like I say though, check out "Beside you". You will almost certainly like it!!
thanks for reading xx
Lucy XD

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