Thursday 19 March 2015

Let's talk about: My teeth


This week I have finally, after 3 years of waiting , been told that I'm going to get braces soon. My teeth are not great. My teeth themselves aren't bad but its just how they look. I hate them. They are jumbled up, in the wrong order, in the wrong place and I hate it. But it's getting better. So, today I am going to talk about my teeth and yeah!

Growing up, I had ok teeth. generally in the right place but when I was about 7 and I started loosing more teeth, it took them quite a while to grow back. I had two big gaps on the top of my mouth (where teeth had fallen out) and one tooth in the middle at one point. It wasn't a great look.

Because they took so long to grow back, my remaining teeth started to move around. That's where the problem started. Because they had more room to move, by the time my teeth grew back, there was already a tooth half in that space, so it went on a weird diagonal angle so it could fit in.

Now, my teeth don't look awful, but I still don't like them. It's always took a little bit of my confidence away, especially year 6 and over (age 10). I didn't not want to smile, but I've learnt to smile with my mouth closed, so people wouldn't see my teeth as much.

But now iv accepted it. It doesn't change me. Im still me, I just don't have lovely straight teeth like most people YET. I will one day but todays not that day. tTat's the whole point of this post.

YOUR APPEARANCE IS JUST A PART OF YOU. It doesn't make you, your a personality underneath, that's just the first thing someone see's. But on the inside and out, no matter what you look like, your still a great person, even if you don't think it.

I hope you like this post guys. there will be another part when I get my braces, so look forward to it!

Thanks guys! Please comment below any ideas for other blog posts (it doesn't have to be beauty). Thanks again! Bye xx

Lucy XD

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