Wednesday 6 May 2015

Tutorial: No heat, wavy/ curly hair tutorial!


Today I tried a new way of making my hair wavy/curly. My hair is very frizzy and I can't do much with it unless I give myself a hour to work on it! And curling my hair with heat just doesn't seem to work, and I look like a soaked dog with my hair straightened, so yeah...

And this isn't one of those things that you think I cant do it because you need that product and those clips and this and that..." You literally need:

Long/medium hair (short hair won't work) 
Your usual hair washing products (I use tresemme shampoo and conditioner)
Elastic hair bands (preferably), or normal hair bands
A towel

Let's go!

Step one) Wash your hair like normal, but when It comes to drying it, towel dry it until it stops dripping (so its still quite wet, just not dripping)

Step two) Depending on how much hair you have, and how curly you want your hair (tighter curls- smaller sections of hair, wavy/slightly curly- big sections of hair), split your hair into how many sections you want (I split my hair into three sections).

Step three) Take a hair band (elastic or normal) and tie it at the top of one of your sections. Do this for all of your sections.

Step four) Plait the sections tightly (not together, individually) until you get to the bottom of your hair, and then using another hair band, tie it tightly. I would show you a picture, but I looked ridiculous! Don't worry, it pays off!

Step five) Go to sleep with your hair still wet; it will dry naturally.

Step six) When you wake up, get ready like normal -leaving your hair as the last thing you need to do- but make sure you leave yourself at least 10 minutes to un-tie your hair.

Step seven) Cut the top band with some small scissors, and then take out the bottom band without cutting it, so you can use it next time. Then un-plait your hair.

And there you go! Lovely, curly hair!

This is what my hair looked like. It lasted pretty much all day, but it goes more wavy as the day goes. It still looks really nice though!

I hope this was helpful, and please comment below if you tried it. I would love to hear what you thought of the outcome!

Don't forget to follow this blog to see more posts like this, hauls and other fun stuff, and comment any ideas below! Bye! xx

Lucy XD

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