Saturday 28 March 2015

I'm going on holiday!


In two days time im going on holiday to Florida for two weeks. I'm sooo excited! but I thought I would need to tell you what's going to happen while im away.

I will still me uploading (if it all goes to plan). It might end up not being twice a week, but it will defiantly be at least once a week. The blogs will be about what I'm taking and wearing and the other two will be just the normal stuff I do (I wont give it away).

If you have any questions about what im uploading, please comment them below.

Once I've got back I will do some posts on what I did. I'm going to be going to Unviersal Studios/ Island of adventures, Sea world and other places!

I hope this is ok with everyone! Again, any questions or requests please comment them below. And I hope you enjoyed reading! Bye! xx

Lucy XD

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