Wednesday 11 March 2015

I regret it!!


I wanted to do a post on things that you and I may regret buying or doing. Im sure all of us regret doing something. I certainly do. And trust me, there are one or two moments that I will never get out of my mind. OH, the regrets are so real!

First of all, shopping! Most of us love it. But love it or hate it there will be something that you've bought thinking

"YEAH!! That'll look great!!"

And then when you get home, you realise that maybe that purple and green tartan jumper doesn't look as nice on you as you thought... So the lesson learnt here is not to buy things straight away without thinking properly. Why didn't I learn that sooner? :(

Secondly, the embarrassing moment when you do something that you think will be funny, and then mid way rubbish joke, you say to yourself

"What am I doing? Why am I saying this. Im not even laughing. WHATS GOING ON?!?"

But you've committed to your non funny story by then, so you have to just roll with it...

I remember one time I was shopping with my friends and we saw this boy we knew with his dad. So randomly I shouted "Hey ______." I didn't even know him. now that I think about it, im not even sure I said his right name!

Finally, Boys. Me personally, iv been out with people who I regret going out with. (if you know me please do not point out who they are) But at the time, you think its a good idea, and there is nothing wrong with that! Yes, it was a stupid idea, but you will learn from it. I certainly did!

Another thing when it comes to boys is that now the moments that I thought were a bit cringy, were actually quite cute. The first time I held hands with a boy, I was so nervous, and it sounds stupid but I had no idea what I was doing with my hand. But it was cute. And now I wouldn't have changed it for the world.

So basically, the lesson here is to think about what your going to do before you do it, if it has to chance to backfire, but not to regret everything, because you will learn from it.

I hope you enjoyed reading. Comment below what you thought of this style of blog xx

Lucy XD

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