Thursday 2 July 2015



So a while back I wasn't feeling my best and it got my thinking, "why am I like this? I should  always be happy". I still don't have a proper reason for feeling slightly down then, but I think we all have them days. But, I found ways around it and I thought, if your in that sort of stage now, I would tell you the ways to keep yourself always happy!

1) Plan fun things to do! Whether it is "I'm going to have a ice cream when I get home" or
"I'm going to London soon!", it will give you something to look forward to. Its the summer holidays soon in England and I can't wait for that! So, plan things to look forward to!

2) Listen to yourself. If your thinking "I want to do that, but if she wants to do it then she can." NO! If you want to do something, don't not do it because someone else is doing it! Do what you want! There are a lot of rules that we have to live by, but don't make more rules for yourself! Don't listen to what anyone else is doing, just do what you want!

3) Chill. Sometimes all you need is a break. If you've got a lot of pressure on you, take some time out. Have film day, have a sleepover with your friends, do anything just to relax a bit.

4) Laugh. Watch a funny film, program or read a funny book. I personally think Miranda or League of their own, are the funniest programs you will ever see!

I hope this helped someone. I just wanted to point out, im not constantly sad or down, its just every once in a while im just not feeling up to it.

If you liked this guys then please share with your friends, follow this blog and comment any suggestions below. Thanks for reading! xx

Lucy XD

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