Monday 23 February 2015

Hi, I'm the new girl.


This is exciting isn't it? It feels weird talking to a computer but whatever, I'll roll with it (great, sounding cool Lucy...)

Hi I'm Lucy and I love fashion (anything quirky I love), makeup, music (I love anything from Taylor swift to 5SOS to Take That (yes, I went there) and yeah... OH! And food! I love food! 

I will be posting reviews, makeup tutorials, tags, the occasional recipe, and whatever I feel like really 
(any request would be appreciated)

Just to point out, I am rubbish at spelling, especialy on a computer, but it think it's because of my lightning quick typing (it's my hidden talent ) thank GOODNESS that there is auto correct

But yeah, thank you sooooo much for reading this. If you want any specific blog post that you wan to see then please comment below or at the side...( I don't actually know where the comments are? ARE THERE COMMENTS?)

See you next time 

Lucy xD

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