Saturday 28 February 2015

Mac Amplified Creme Lipstick in Brick-O-La review


This is my first beauty review and its on the Mac Brick-O-La Amplified Creme Lipstick.

I have always wanted to own a Mac lipstick. I don't know why, but here is something special about the packaging and the logo... just me?

Anyway, after a lot of deliberating from a red, to a purple to a pinky-purple. I finally chose the lipstick I wanted. Just to say, if you are looking at buying a Mac lipstick, do NOT look online at pictures, because they don't it doesn't look anything like it does in person, at the shop.

The Brick-O-La is a dark red lipstick and although it is noticeable, it still looks natural. It was quite expensive (£15.50) but i'ts amazing! Not only does it stay on for over 4 hours, it also doesn't dry your lips out (although I would recommend moisturizing your lips before hand. I use my body shop mango lip butter). I cant find any fault in this lipstick apart from, like all lipsticks, it does come off while eating, but then you have the pleasure of applying it again.

Overall, a brilliant red lipstick which will suit all skin tones. 9/10

Thanks for reading and please tell me if you agree or disagree with my thoughts; I would love to hear what you think of it.

As usual, remember to follow this blog, comment bellow and yeah!

see you next time xx

Lucy XD

upload schedual


I just wanted to post a quick thing about when I will be uploading a blog,

iv decided that there will be 2 blogs going up each week. One will go up on Saturday, and the other will go up on Wednesday.

Now, as i'm new to all of this, I don't know what you guys like to read. do you want something funny? A review on my week? A review at all? But for now iv decided to:

 On Saturday: A review (beauty, music, film, fashion etc)

On Wednesday: A haul, tutorial, favourites or chatty blog.

I hope that's ok. please tell me what you think in the comments

see you next time

Lucy xD

Monday 23 February 2015

Hi, I'm the new girl.


This is exciting isn't it? It feels weird talking to a computer but whatever, I'll roll with it (great, sounding cool Lucy...)

Hi I'm Lucy and I love fashion (anything quirky I love), makeup, music (I love anything from Taylor swift to 5SOS to Take That (yes, I went there) and yeah... OH! And food! I love food! 

I will be posting reviews, makeup tutorials, tags, the occasional recipe, and whatever I feel like really 
(any request would be appreciated)

Just to point out, I am rubbish at spelling, especialy on a computer, but it think it's because of my lightning quick typing (it's my hidden talent ) thank GOODNESS that there is auto correct

But yeah, thank you sooooo much for reading this. If you want any specific blog post that you wan to see then please comment below or at the side...( I don't actually know where the comments are? ARE THERE COMMENTS?)

See you next time 

Lucy xD