Saturday 4 April 2015

On the plane


I'm currently writing this on a plane. Let's see... Only 1:30 hours left!! Aghhhh. Think that's long, Iv been on here, in a surprisingly comfy chair, but nether the less, for 7:30 hours!! I thought I would talk you threw what I'v been up to, I case you have any long haul flights soon, or if you just want to know.

Just to point out, if you didn't read the previous post about it. I'm going to florida for 2 weeks, and I'm going to do some posts on what I'm up to (second time I'v used that phrase in 2 minutes). I do recommend reading that post first before reading this. Anyway, let's crack on. 

The first thing I did was watch a film called Dolphin Tale 2. I'v seen the first one and had high hopes for this, but it wasn't that interesting at all. I skipped most of it, just so I could see the interesting bits. Not recommended. 

Next I played on my DS, yes I'm still stuck in 2010, and I played.... Professor Layton. ITS ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD! It was the Pandora's box one. And it wasted about a hour. You can all laugh but it was a time waster. 

Then I listened to some music. At the moment I really like:
The Pretendor by the Foo Fighters
Paramore by Paramore (no way!) (album)
And I'v been quietly rocking out to:
Misery by Good Charlotte
Anthem by Good Charlotte
And every song by 5 seconds of summer (not a song, just saying I'v listened to all of there songs)

Then I watched a film called If I Stay. OH MY GOD!! This film is amazing. I literally have no words. No matter who you are, WATCH IT!!  I was almost crying, and I never cry at films. I...I have nothing to say...just watch it....

That's about all, of course I'v done other things but it wasn't very interesting. I now have 1:17 hours left.  

Thank you for reading. Any suggestions, please comment below. And please subscribe if you like what you read. Bye!! xx

Lucy XD

Written before published